All the participants knew what the purpose was. There was no attempt by either group to convert anyone from the other side. The results are a remarkable sense of unity among all the participants as far as I can tell.
Alkisah, Diogenes ditanya, “apa bedanya hidup dan mati?”
“Tidak ada bedanya”, jawab Diogenes.
“Lalu, mengapa kamu lebih memilih hidup”.
“Karena tidak ada bedanya”.
Tepat pada hari Kamis, 14 April 2022, Initiatives of Change (IofC) Indonesia melaksanakan Forum Group Discussion (FGD) bertema Healing Conversation; Heal the Past and Hope for the Future.
Why goldfish? Why not a lion or wolf? Well, there are many positive things that we can infer from the characteristics of every animal. But, there are two interesting things we can learn from goldfish besides the fact that goldfish can be easily cultivated and bred.
I think loneliness is a condition when our soul feels empty, alone, detached, dispassionate, unloved, and when we feel no one can support or comfort us. Why can our souls feel that way?