
Tuesday, 25 June, 2024

I am excited to apply this knowledge in Indonesia. As women, we need a special space to share our stories and grow together. It's important to trust that every woman has potential and inherent value. Often, women are perceived as weak because they are seen as too emotional. However, through CoP, this becomes a strength. Every woman has the right to be herself.

Tuesday, 25 June, 2024

Garut, the Enchanting City, Became the First Cradle of the Creators of Peace (CoP) Program's Revival. On May 19, 2024, IofC Indonesia collaborated with PD Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah Kab. Garut to hold an event titled, "Upgrading Pimpinan, Creating Personality Woman Leader" marking the rebirth of the Creators of Peace (CoP) program in the serene city of Garut.

Sunday, 12 February, 2023

Selama 8 hari, Neas kembali datang ke Asia Plateu untuk menghadiri UTSAV. Berikut inspirasinya:

Sunday, 12 February, 2023

Neas from Papua came back to Asia Plateu for 9 days to join the UTSAV program. Here is his inpiration:

Sunday, 18 December, 2022

Selama 9 tahun terakhir, pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut kerap kali muncul dibenak saya. Kadang terdesak untuk segera dijawab, kadang saya merasa jawabannya sangat beragam, sehingga saya sulit mendeksripsikannya. Kurasa semua ini berawal dari masa “kejayaan” keluarga kami yang mulai runtuh 11 tahun yang lalu.

Sunday, 18 December, 2022

Over the past 9 years, these questions have often arisen in my mind. Sometimes it is urgent to answer immediately, sometimes I feel the answers are so complex that I find it difficult to describe them.

Sunday, 18 December, 2022

Kalau harus melihat diriku jauh sebelum hari ini, yang bisa terlihat adalah “seperti air laut yang tenang”. Aku yakin ada sesuatu di antara ketenangan itu tapi tak tau apa. Hingga akhirnya tahun ini menjadi tahun yang penuh dengan gejolak, badai, dibuat terombang ambing dengan semua memori, perasaan yang melekat tapi tak pernah berusaha dikenali dari mana, akan kemana muara semua itu dan bagaimana menghadapi gejolak dalam diri yang menyeruak seakan tiba-tiba.

Sunday, 18 December, 2022

If I had to look at myself long before today, what one could see was "a calm, open water". I'm sure there's something in between the quiet but I don't know what. Finally, this year became a year filled with turmoil, storms, being tossed around with all the memories, and feelings that were there but I never try to identify. I don’t know where it all came from, where all of this was going, and how to deal with the inner turmoil that burst suddenly.

Saturday, 03 December, 2022

Keberagaman merupakan isu yang hangat dibicarakan dan terjadi bukan hanya di Indonesia saja, tapi juga di seluruh dunia. Menengok keberagaman di Indonesia, isu keberagaman yang paling seksi adalah membahas tentang agama dan kepercayaan.

Saturday, 03 December, 2022

Diversity is an prominent issue for discussion not only in Indonesia, but also throughout the world. Looking at diversity in Indonesia, one of the hottest topic around diversity are religion and belief. There are many stereotypes that can be observed from religious practices.
