Monday, December 23, 2024

The visit by IofC Indonesia to Banyuwangi, East Java, from November 29 to December 1, 2024, was an effort by IofC Indonesia to connect with its local team, wrapped in a shared holiday under the theme “Playing with the Inner Child.” Besides strengthening the bond between the local team and the core team, this activity aimed to invite participants to celebrate the child within themselves. It was attended by 26 participants from various regions in Indonesia, ranging from Lampung, Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Solo, Madura, and Bali. Even Uncle Peter, a Senior Mentor of IofC Indonesia from Canada, took part in enlivening the entire meaningful holiday experience.

Playing with the Inner Child was a journey to reconnect with nature and each participant’s inner self. We applied three main points from the book “Homecoming,” carried out at the School of Reconciliation. Participants wrote letters using their non-dominant and dominant hands as a means of in-depth healing. In addition, participants came from a wide range of ages, from as young as 7 to as old as 87. They were all encouraged to return to their inner child, to see from a fresh perspective unburdened by the expectations of the adults around them. Each participant took part in activities at three locations to connect with themselves, namely:

Quiet Time – Inner Listening at Jopuro Water Tourism

Jopuro has natural beauty in the form of a small river and expansive rice fields. This environment greatly supports participants in listening more deeply to themselves and feeling the surrounding nature with their five senses. Participants were invited to contemplate the long-hidden inner voices within them, then share these thoughts in small circles.
Writing Letters with the Inner Child and Inner Parent at De Djawatan Forest

The inner child is often silenced or, conversely, allowed to dominate too strongly within participants. This session invited participants to get to know the child within them and also to activate the inner parent to lovingly nurture themselves toward better personal growth. Both sessions used letter-writing as a medium, starting with writing using the non-dominant hand (for the Inner Child session) and the dominant hand (for the Inner Parent session). Each letter was read aloud to oneself and then shared in pairs. The beauty of the Trembesi forest in Djawatan added a sacred serenity to this session.

Strengthening Inner Bonding at Pulau Merah

Pulau Merah was the final destination of the “Playing with the Inner Child” journey. Participants were invited to strengthen the connection between their newly emerged Inner Adult and their Inner Child through nature exploration, playing in the sand, and spending time together at Pulau Merah. This Inner Bonding session was very important for participants to understand that the child within them and their adult self both need a healthy balance and attachment, enabling them to live life and face its challenges as loving, caring adults.
After three days of undertaking a fairly long journey and finally coming together in Banyuwangi to celebrate their inner child, each participant was left with a profound and stirring impression. In various safe spaces for sharing, many expressions were conveyed. Some realized that by returning to nature, they could find the child within themselves who felt free and light, seeing the world as so simple while also appreciating the little things around them.

Several participants also found peace in communicating with their Inner Child, away from the bustle of adult life, playing together in nature. This brought tranquility and a pause to replenish the spirit within them. Meanwhile, participants who already had families and children felt that celebrating their Inner Child could help them better understand what their own children might be feeling.

The session of playing with the Inner Child was then closed with words of gratitude from one of the participants’ parents who also took part in all the activities. She expressed her gratitude to IofC Indonesia for becoming a safe space for her child, who had faced many difficulties in life, to grow and understand their wounds. She also expressed regret and apologized to her child because, as a parent, she had left scars. This declaration marked a point of reconciliation for both of them to understand and forgive each other.

"At Jopuro, we were invited to activate all our senses. We touched and hugged trees, listened to the sounds of nature. We touched and smelled the water, touched the soil, the stones, and let it all sink in, feeling as if it permeated our being.

Suddenly, the little self emerged, introducing many things, reminding me once again of the wisdoms they once held, to be remembered by this adult self. How powerful that walking meditation session was, where we touched not just by touching, and felt the sunlight not just by seeing but truly appreciating its presence. We surrendered ourselves to the water that cradled us with tranquility. I almost forgot that I was on Earth. For a moment, I felt calm at that natural spring. Then those stones reminded me to stay grounded, giving me a message to remain firmly rooted.

Finally, I walked along the rice fields, and quite by chance, the rice plants gave me a message not to forget to be grateful for what I have. Strolling through nature that morning gave me deeply meaningful inspiration. There is a very profound connection if we are willing to visit it often. Fear of things we do not yet know is natural; do not let that fear hinder us. These are the messages nature tried to convey to me and perhaps to all of us.

The journey to Banyuwangi was a journey of self-discovery, of connecting with oneself, giving oneself validation, and also a gift for the inner child who is willing to struggle together through the darkness of wounds. Wounds that, at the same time, are treasures we find to answer the riddles of life.
Celebrating two years of hard work at the School of Reconciliation.”

— Azka, Yoga Instructor and Soul Dancer.

Farida Andjani

Editor: Ari Budi S

Proofread: Peter Heyes