
Sunday, 13 November, 2022

IofC Indonesia team hosted Willem Jansen from IofC Netherland from 6th August to 2nd September 2022. Mr. Jansen visited 7 cities to reach out friends of IofC as well as to experience and mentor the Trustbuilding Program in Indonesia. He visited Jakarta, Bogor, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Bandung, Kuningan, and Makassar South Sulawesi.

Wednesday, 20 July, 2022

Ketika patah hati, kebanyakan orang akan berada dalam kondisi kalut, bingung dan tak tahu hendak melakukan apa. Hal ini terjadi bukan karena semata kehilangan cinta, tetapi biasanya karena selama ini kita mengabaikan kebutuhan terdalam kita—dalam arti kita tidak tersambung dengan batin sendiri.

Wednesday, 20 July, 2022

When heartbroken, most people will be in a state of frantic, confusion, and do not know what to do. This happens not because of a mere loss of love, but because we've been ignoring our deepest needs—in the sense that we're not connecting with ourselves.

Thursday, 30 June, 2022

How do you define self-trust?

Have you ever doubted yourself?

How well do you trust yourself?

Saturday, 18 June, 2022


Thursday, 16 June, 2022

My Worthy Experiences in Taiwan (Part 5)

Tuesday, 14 June, 2022

Pengumuman Lolos Administrasi TBP Camp Bandung

Friday, 10 June, 2022

“Ketika kita ingin berbagi cinta, berbagi kasih atau pun tolong-menolong dan toleran, kita harus mulai dari diri kita sendiri“, tutup Syafira Danela

Saturday, 04 June, 2022

By Yofrina Octika Gultom

Wednesday, 01 June, 2022

All the participants knew what the purpose was. There was no attempt by either group to convert anyone from the other side. The results are a remarkable sense of unity among all the participants as far as I can tell.
