Wednesday, April 17, 2024

For the past 3 years, Initiatives of Change (IofC) Indonesia has been trusted to run the Trustbuilding Program (TBP) by Initiatives of Change International. During the 2021-2023 period, the TBP Indonesia team succeeded in having an impact in many cities. The team also developed various products as learning tools as well as fundraising methods for program sustainability. 

In terms of outreach, TBP has produced 100 facilitators spread across 4 cities (Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Makassar, and Bandung).  So far, the TBP program has successfully reached and impacted 900 young people as trust builders. 
The funding that we received for 2 years is a valuable asset to increase our capacity as an organization that continues to grow and reach out to young people. At TBP Indonesia, we use creativity to raise young people's awareness of peacebuilding, healing, and conflict resolution issues.
We created a learning tool in the form of 3 conversation cards: Friends for Life (FFL), Ngobrol Yuk, and a board game called Pest Attack. We use all three to create a safe space for participants to connect and inspire each other. Through these spaces, we want to initiate change and foster peace for Indonesia, starting with its young people. 
With the above experience, IofC Indonesia is honed and challenged to continue the TBP program. In 2024, the Yogyakarta facilitator team successfully organized a 3-day Trustbuilding Camp for Muslim and Christian Young Leaders. This event was collectively funded without any grant from IofC Indonesia. Seeing its impact, one of the Pastors who attended as a speaker eventually sponsored the next TBP event.
However, the sustainability of TBP in the 4 cities depends on the commitment of the alumni facilitators to continue facilitating safe spaces in IofC Indonesia's TBP approach. For example, in almost all cities, many were inspired by the reflective and authentic nature of dialogue in TBP. One of the favorite sessions was about Quiet Time, which gives time to love oneself and connect with The Higher Power. 
In addition, participants also enjoyed the Healing Historical Wounds session because they could understand the patterns of communal conflict in Indonesia. These are usually conflicts between groups of different religions, ethnicities, economic status, or conflicts between the government and the people. In this session, conflict analysis and resolution are required because prolonged conflict has destroyed the trust of each party.

TBP is here to knit back the fractured trust through a safe space that is reflective, authentic, and dialogic. In Bandung, TBP was able to present stories from Penghayat Kepercayaan (an indigenous religion) whose identities have not been recognized by the state. By presenting narratives from minority groups, the community learns a lot about how identity relations affect social relations and conflict resolution. 
In Jakarta, the facilitators collaborate with the Jakarta State Islamic University campus. In the event, TBP created a space for interfaith and cultural dialogue between Indonesian Muslim students and Christian students from the United States.
The journey of the TBP program from IofC Indonesia is far from over. TBP will continue to encourage efforts to build trust so that conflict mediation and peace-building can be realized for a strong, peaceful, united, and just Indonesia. 

Miftahul Huda
TBP Program Manager - IofC Indonesia

Editor: Ari Budi
Proofread: Peter Heyes