Thursday, June 6, 2024

Working in an Independent State Institution in the broadcasting sector is both a new challenge and a positive opportunity for development. Having a background in education, taking international relations courses, and working at the Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Broadcasting Commission (KPID) is a life path I never imagined.

I serve as the Institutional Affairs Coordinator at the KPID Bangka Belitung Islands, overseeing 51 broadcasting institutions, including television and radio. In addition, I am also active on campus as a lecturer. I consider my work to be a form of dedication. As a native son of the region who has spent almost 10 years studying in Jakarta, I finally returned home in 2016. Teaching on campus, initiating local organizations, and working for the broadcasting commission are a series of activities that I have gone through and enjoyed to this day.
Working in a state institution certainly means dealing with bureaucrats, from the lower to the upper levels. In addition, I often meet with broadcasting stakeholders at both the regional and central levels. The nature of my work requires me to constantly uphold the moral values of Initiatives of Change (IofC) that I have learned since 2008.
One of the values that I always hold firmly is purity. Carrying out the important mandate of providing valid information is not an easy task. Moreover, nowadays there is a lot of false information circulating and KPID monitors and oversees this. So, upholding IofC values in work is my bastion against negative and harmful values.
My work at KPID is also the result of my long learning at IofC. Positive friends, inspiring activities, and collaborative communities are supplements for me to continue to do positive things, think innovatively, and be adaptive.
If we want to change the world, then change ourselves first. If we want to be an example, then don't be afraid to follow suit.

Yudi Septiawan 
Finance IofC 2012 - 2016
Bangka Belitung Islands Regional KPI Commissioner

Editor: Ari Budi
Proofread: Peter Heyes