Our purpose in life is indeed to tidy up and learn, as every day we will face a life full of uncertainty. Every day will not be the same, and every day will bring subtle change.
The process of reflection and listening to our inner voice through Quiet Time is part of a "decluttering." This is where we continuously measure how we apply the four moral values of IofC which are absolute Purity, Honesty, Unselfishness, and Love.
Humans are indeed designed to make mistakes. However, only some people will learn from those mistakes; most tend to repeat them and feel like they’re just victims of circumstances.
Will change happen to those who feel victimized? Of course not. Change will only happen to people willing to learn and do their inner work. Through this, there will be a second chance to have a better life.
As individuals, we need to gather the courage and strong intentions to acknowledge what needs to be decluttered. We must accept that we will never be perfect, so we need to be willing to continue our inner work. Only we can make changes, and only we can give love to our empty souls. We cannot expect others to fill that hole.
Decluttering is part of the responsibility of being an adult and only some people are willing to do it. Not because they don't know the importance of it, but because taking responsibility for oneself is extremely difficult. As a result, many people take shortcuts by blaming others or demanding others to take responsibility for their desires.
We need to believe in the process of becoming whole human beings, learning, improving, and taking responsibility for our own needs. If we have reached this stage, then it will be easier for us to give love and care to others with the purity that comes from our hearts.
Even in the face of difficult times, we will not feel alone because God is always with those who persist.
Quiet Time Nenden Prawira
Bandung, 25 May 2024
Editor: Ari Budi
Proofread: Peter Heyes