Sunday, November 17, 2024

From October 25-27, 2024, Initiatives of Change (IofC) Indonesia held a Women Creators of Peace (CoP) training in Parongpong, Bandung. The event focused on the importance of women’s roles in creating peace through approaches centered on leadership, empathy, and collaboration. This event drew the attention of women from various backgrounds who wished to take an active role in building a more peaceful and harmonious society.



Women Creators of Peace (CoP) by Initiatives of Change (IofC) Indonesia is part of a global movement promoting peacebuilding and reconciliation through women’s leadership. The program empowers women to become peace agents by fostering dialogue, understanding, and collaboration. Women from diverse religious, cultural, and social backgrounds are encouraged to share their personal stories and experiences, reflect on inner peace, and find ways to create positive change in their environments.

This training is designed to enhance women’s understanding of peace values, strengthen self-reflection skills, encourage empathetic communication, and build a community network among women.


Three main facets emphasized in this training are:

  1. Personal Transformation
  2. Dialogue and Reconciliation
  3. Leadership for Peacebuilding


Participants came from various cities, including Greater Bandung, Jakarta, and Garut. With their diverse backgrounds, they could share insights and experiences to create an inclusive learning environment and strengthen each other’s support systems.

Over the three-day training, participants engaged in the following in-depth sessions:

  1. 10 Gathering Points: CoP’s learning curriculum involves the 10 gathering points which are:
  • #1 What is Peace Anyway?
  • #2 Circles of Concern
  • #3 What Destroys Peace & Whats Builds It?
  • #4 Qualities of A Peace Creator
  • #5 Inner Peace
  • #6  Listening to Others
  • #7  Inner Listening
  • #8  The Power of Forgiveness
  • #9  Peace in Practice
  • #10  Evaluate & Commit
  1. Quiet Time: Each morning, participants engaged in quiet time using Friends for Life cards and Point #7, Inner Listening. Quiet time took place both indoors and outdoors, surrounded by the beauty of pine trees.
  2. Collaborative Activities: One of the highlights of the training was that participants worked together in groups to prepare meals, fostering collaboration even in simple tasks regardless of their different backgrounds and ages.


This training left a deep impression on the participants as they gained new knowledge and energy. Most felt more prepared to handle conflict more constructively and wisely. They also felt a strong emotional bond with one another, which could serve as a source of support in their journeys as peace creators in their respective communities.

IofC Indonesia hopes the participants can apply the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired. Additionally, it is hoped that they can inspire other women to join in building peaceful and harmonious communities, not only in Parahyangan (Greater Bandung) but throughout Indonesia and the world.



“My concern is the fear of not being able to face the threshold of adulthood. Our role might lean more toward making peace with ourselves and applying that to those closest to us, for example by being a good listener. What steps will I take? I want to expand my capacity to continue learning from various people to broaden my perspective. 

I also want to inspire youth, especially women, to address KBB (peace-building issues), because I believe women also have a role in creating a peaceful environment. In resolving issues when challenges arise, I want to communicate well, listen attentively, express emotions positively, and avoid making quick judgments or assumptions.” - Indah, Peace Activist & Student.


“What I worry about is financial independence if I live alone. Will I be able to support myself financially? My income so far has not been substantial. I am also concerned about the impact of infidelity or forming a new family—what will happen to the children and their habits? 

What hinders and obstructs me in the process of transformation or reconciliation is excessive fear. The fear of truly voicing my values, of having the will, and of not being accepted, leads me to stay silent and avoid situations. 

My step to improve this is to strive to be honest about everything, especially in listening to my inner voice, guided by love, sincerity, and care. 

If a challenge arises, I will take a moment of silence or practice pausing to connect with myself and find the confidence to face the challenging path ahead. The support I need is a support group and regular psychoeducation.” - Dewi, Lecturer & Homemaker.


Annisa Ladhuny

Editor: Ari Budi

Proofread: Peter Heyes