Biannual Meeting of IofC Indonesia Team
A quote from Henry Ford says, “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” Our team found a way to work together and started to have a regular gathering. We believe that having a regular gathering helps us get to know each other better, to grow, and make our team stronger. One of our programs is having a biannual meeting. The meeting was held at IofC house, March 2-3, 2019. The team meeting is aimed to reconnect, to build effective team building, and to discuss our prioritized action plans.
On the first day, the quiet time input was to reflect about, “Many souls talk about faith, but fail to live by it. Learn to live by faith, not by fear.” Nenden, our program coordinator, shared about her valuable experience after attending the International Dialogue in India and how important it is to have a commitment to be a part of IofC to take on the role of a servant leader.
One friend shared about her plan to be more committed and was grateful with her new position at the office. Irna, the president of IofC Indonesia, reflected on how she played her role as a leader; “Have I been doing right as a leader? Learning from the seniors is a valuable lesson for me to grow and to lead.”
Miftahul Huda, our advisor, said, “I want to be more mature emotionally and spiritually. After being a full-timer at Peace Generation, I feel like being the ambassador of IofC, that both Peace Generation and IofC Indonesia had the same vision in creating peace in the world. A question came to my mind was what makes us united as a team.” One friend shared, “Living spiritually is challenging for me and I am blessed to hear from you; I got positive energy from your sharing.” Nafan, our friend who stays in Kendari, the capital city of South East Sulawesi, shared his gratefulness to join today’s session during his time in Jakarta and was glad to reconnect with IofC friends.
The session about goals and objectives was to present each division’s plan, which consisted of administration, finance, media and communication, fundraising, and program division. This meeting was also to think of how we care for ourselves and others. In the afternoon, we had a Saturday Gathering to invite friends to share and to listen to some inputs. Rera, our friend expressed her appreciation to the core team for their contribution and dedication. “I feel grateful for the support of the team and I am now preparing to be a part of the internship program in IofC Australia.”
On the second day we had a morning reflection, and the input was, “Where do I put myself with regard to IofC?” Rama shared, “I am so passionate in education that my vision is to create education with good character and high technology. I believe that IofC can be a bridge to the educators. Another friend said, “I want to be the instrument of change and engage more with different people, and build connections with more schools and universities.” Another friend shared, “My highlight today is empowerment, how I can engage and empower my community and live day by day with absolute purity, honesty, unselfishness, and love.”
Some outcomes of the meeting are to continue our programs (family workshop, monthly gathering, outreach programs), to have internship recruitment in assisting administration, media, and program divisions, and to encourage more people to take an initiative. At the end of the day, we expressed our gratitude for the valuable times and constructive inputs we got.
Reported by Yofrina Octika Gultom